South Metro Pheasants Forever and Oxy joined to participate in two events at Barr Lake State Park that day.
The first was the painting of a mural depicting our pollinator plot and the multicultural volunteers responsible for the creation of the pollinator plot.
The artist, Dominic Velando, sketched the mural and guided the volunteers in the painting. Thanks Dominic! The second was adding more pollinators plants to the plot!
The Barr Lake State Park Pollinator Plot Project takes another step ahead on August 19 when Oxy and PF join teams to increase plantings and begin the build of the mural project. Additionally, the team will be removing some of the weeds that have come to share habitat with the sunflowers. Join us from 8:00-11:00 am with your gloves and sunscreen!
For more information, contact Mel Wernimont,, 303-358-5559
On Thursday, August 19, PF and Occidental volunteers teamed with Barr Lake staff to complete the next stages of 2 projects. The first project, an exciting project that will continue for the next month, is the mural project.
The first step was to build the fencing structure needed as the surface for the mural. The team measured, dug holes, measured again, widened the holes and finally cemented in the upright structure beams for the fence. It was hard work, and created many laughs as the structure took shape!
The next steps on the mural will take place in September as the fence is finished and the mural sketched in for the final painting stage on National Public Land day, the 25th of September. At the same time as the posts were being planted, additional planting was taking place in the Pollinator Plot. More rabbit brush, coneflowers, and others joined the growing plot. The additional plants were gently placed by the Oxy team as the PF team helped with both projects!
South Metro Pheasants is honored to help support Barr Lake State Park in obtaining their Leave No Trace Gold Standard site designation. This gold standard designation was achieved by implementing and enhancing education outreach, signage and messaging for encouraging people to care for their public lands.
On Saturday, May 22, a consortium of Barr Lake State Park, Pheasants Forever, Occidental Petroleum and Wildland Restoration Volunteers hosted the Black to Nature Book Club at Barr Lake for a three-hour event.
The focus of this event was twofold: First, the group, guided by PF and Wildland volunteers, and taught by Michelle Seubert, the head park ranger, learned the importance of and the technique of planting pollinator plants. The second focus was getting the job done! Serviceberries, goldenrod, and sunflowers—LOTS of sunflowers. The planting was fun and exciting. The pictures are worth a thousand words! Those displayed here show the group learning the importance of the pollinators and their habitat, getting hands-on training in planting, and gathering to celebrate their success.
A special thanks to the team of planters, the training and guidance of Wildland Restoration volunteers, the expertise of Michelle and the Barr Lake staff, and the financial support of Occidental Petroleum!! What a great day.
Our chapter hosted 28 women at the May 1st Ladies Shotgun Clinic at Valhalla Hunt Club in Bennett, Colo. Women from all over the state joined us to learn about upland hunting, firearm safety, and wingshooting basics. After classroom instruction on safety, all of the ladies participated in shooting clays and honing their shotgun skills.
It was an energetic and fun day for all — we are looking forward to hosting more ladies events and hunting with these women in the Fall! Special thanks to Valhalla for hosting all of us!
Dear members and supporters of South Metro Pheasants Forever
This morning during Governor Polis’s 3/13/2020 press conference, he instituted a ban on gatherings of over 250 people, if those events cannot guarantee separation of 6 fee or more between participants. You can find more information here:
With the nature of our event and the size of the meeting space (, service of concessions and food, game play, auctions), it makes it impossible to guarantee 6 feet of separation. As a result, our chapter has “postponed” our annual banquet until the ban is lifted. We will keep everyone updated on when the new date is set.
Thank you,
David King, President
Start planning to attend the 2020 Annual FUNdraising Banquet on Saturday, March 14 at the Denver Marriott South!
2020 Ticket Costs
Single Meal with 1 New Membership $80
Couple with 1 New Membership $125
Youth /Kids Meal with New Membership $30 (Chicken Tenders)
Early Bird Registration by February 14, 2020 / One raffle ticket per registration – Legacy Pointer Arista 12 ga. O/U