Welcome to South Metro Pheasants Forever. We are a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of pheasant and quail and other wildlife populations in Colorado through habitat improvement, land management, public awareness, youth, and novice outreach.
Our local chapter in Colorado was founded amongst those upland hunters and sportsmen and women in your community. Our goal is to provide those avid outdoorsmen and women an opportunity to assist in the protection and enhancement of pheasants and other upland bird populations around the local area.
Pheasants Forever is the only national organization with a model of chapters keeping 100% of the funds they raise. While belonging to a larger national organization that has a voice on federal and state conservation policies, chapters are tasked with finding projects for their funds. Our Mantra: No Child Left Indoors!
Our Mission
Pheasants Forever is dedicated to the conservation of pheasants, quail, and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public awareness, education, and land management policies and programs.
Our Vision
South Metro Pheasants Forever will be leaders in upland bird habitat conservation, new hunter education and recruitment and creation of hunting access.
Our Values
We agree to:
- Collaborate respectfully valuing every volunteer’s opinion and contribution
- Maintain an environment of openness and transparency in governance
- Maintain integrity in all dealings and decisions (especially related to conflicts of interest and adherence to the PF mission and allocation of funds and volunteer hours)
- Move forward with a commitment to the Pheasants Forever Mission
- Support Pheasants Forever priorities at both the State and National level
- Create a family-oriented organization
- Welcome all individuals committed to the mission
- Develop future leaders of the Chapter
- Share the responsibility for the efforts needed to succeed
- Share in our collective success
South Metro Pheasants Forever Fact Sheet
Click here to download our Fact SheetSouth Metro Pheasants Forever Chapter Officers
Dean Titterington, President
Dean Titterington currently serves as President of the South Metro Pheasants Forever Chapter #816 in Denver, Colorado. Dean is a shopping center manager who splits his volunteer time between public education reform and Pheasants Forever goals of habitat restoration and No Child Left Indoors. Dean believes perseverance and common sense are the best virtues that one can bring to any endeavor.
Dean has been a charter school founder, a founding Board Member of the Charter School Institute and currently serves on the State Review Panel. He serves on the CPW Partners in the Outdoors organizing committee. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps. Dean has a B.A. in Business from Augustana College, Rock Island, Il

Shane Rugg, Vice President
Shane Rugg currently serves as the South Metro Pheasants Forever Vice President. He is a lifelong outdoorsman that has been lucky enough to have hunted everything from whitetail on the east coast to Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in Colorado. He harvested his first game bird in 2016 with his two English Setters. Since then he has chased upland species from Kansas quail to Wyoming pheasants and Colorado ptarmigan. He belongs to Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, Ducks Unlimited Wild Sheep Foundation, and many other wildlife organizations to which he dedicates his free time giving back.

Scott Shepherd, Secretary & Treasurer
Scott’s passion for the outdoors has always been focused on fly fishing, backpacking and mountain biking. And with his recent introduction to Pheasants Forever in 2020, he is now excited to expand that passion to include hunting. Scott looks forward to donating his time to help preserve and expand wildlife habitat, so his family and future generations can enjoy this amazing experience.

Steve Osa, Habitat Chair
My wife and I have lived in Centennial since just prior to the Christmas blizzard of 1982. She raised our two children while I practiced medicine. I retired in August 2015. I have been a member of Pheasants Forever for many years. My primary reason for joining PF was to see more pheasants in Colorado. For that to happen, we need to see improved habitat on the eastern plains. With that goal in mind, I volunteered to be the Habitat Chair of South Metro PF. With no background in agriculture, I have much to learn and invite your help. Any member wanting to help improve the “bird, bee, butterfly, buck” habitat in our state should contact me.

Kylie Alstrup, Banquet Chair & Games Manager
Kylie currently serves as South Metro Banquet Chair and Games Manager. She is a true Colorado native who has been hunting and fishing with her family all her life. While attending college at Colorado State University, Kylie was introduced to Pheasants Forever, and has been a member ever since. Kylie is a Real Estate Paralegal and a proud dog-mom to her pointing lab, Walter. She believes strongly in conserving nature, enjoying the outdoors and connecting with her community.

Deb Autrey, Banquet Co-Chair

Michelle Seubert, Outreach Chair/New Hunters
Michelle Seubert, Park Manager at Cherry Creek State Park, Colorado Parks and Wildlife believes it is important to encourage and educate people about the importance of getting outdoors.. Michelle has had the privilege to work in the Colorado State Parks system for 30 years starting her career at Cherry Creek State Park as a Seasonal Employee.

Mike Higbee, Outreach Co-Chair/New Hunters

John Hyde, Outreach Chair/Member Involvement/Programs
I relocated to Colorado in 1995. I enjoy all things outdoors that include camping, fishing, hiking, bird watching, hunting. Soon after moving here I had my first bird dog a real spitfire of an English Springer Spaniel. For many years I was involved with the Northern Colorado Springer Spaniel club helping with their field trials along with participating in their events. We enjoyed hunting wild birds from North Dakota to Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado during those great years of cooperative weather and peak CRP. I ended up falling in love with English Setters and have hunted over them for the last 20 years. I have been a member of Pheasants Forever since 2000ish and have recently been able to be more active in our local chapter after retiring from my Pharmacist career after 30 years. I have always enjoyed the mentoring role and look forward to getting more people out and introducing them to upland hunting. Along with my BS in Pharmacy I have two Masters from CU and have earned black belts in three different disciplines.

Sean Milan, Social Media Chair